Now I have to pass on the award. It is so difficult to choose from among the blogs I read. I've made many friends over the years of blogging and if my Google Reader is any indication I've found many that I enjoy reading when I have the time. All of them have made an impression upon me. If I have ever made a comment on your blog then it's because you've made an impression. I don't comment for commenting sake. So I hope that I am not bending the rules too far when I say that I'm passing this award on to all those whose blogs I've read and commented on and so as not to offend the creator of the award I am singling out the 9 that are below the rules.
The rules are:
- Put the logo on your blog/post
- Nominate and link up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
- Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
- Remember to link the person from whom you received your Splash Award.
- Natural Raw Living
- Yaya Stuff
- Mom's Mutterings
- Joy For Mourning
- Mom's Peace Bites
- Shout A Joyful Noise
- Beautiful Feet
- Quiskaeya
- Blue Cotton Memory
- Sunny Days & Starry Nights
- A Wise Woman Builds Her Home
- down-to-earth
- To Love Honor & Vacuum
- Prossigo para o alvo(Press Toward the Mark)
- Jesnicole
- Domestic Serenity
Congrats and thank you!