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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tips for Wives - Appearance

Looks are not everything but they sure do make a difference. Let's make the effort.

Let's take some time to consider self care and dressing in flattering ways. Go through your makeup and wardrobe and get rid of the ugly stuff (y'all know what I'm talking about) and things you never use or wear (it's always nice to slim down possessions). When you make new purchases, go for the flattering styles and colors. If you don't know what looks good on you, ask a friend to shop with you. Do some research with self help books or websites (if someone knows of a good site, please leave a comment with this tip and share). Consider different clothing styles, try a new lotion, change your hair color, or cut back on (or increase) the amount of jewelry you wear.

The worse that can happen is you'll find out you don't like something and you have to try again. The best is that you find a style that you really like and you feel pretty. (Husband's have been known to be blessed by just the attempt.)

The difference between try and triumph is a little umph. Author Unknown

Be generous! Lori <><
Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


  1. I'm going to change out of my sweatpants before the hubby gets home! Hey, it's a start! :)

  2. This is so true! My husband likes me to switch it up every now and then. He hates it when I dress dowdy and I'd don't blame him.

  3. Hi Alexis,
    Good move! Anything is better than nothing.

    Hi Cheesemakin' Mamma,
    I think most husbands hate when their wives dress dowdy (even though some may not say it because they don't want to hurt any feelings).


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