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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tips for Wives - Three Words

Today's tip from Lori is a good one. How can we make our intimate lives what it should be if we don't know what our spouses expectations are? Many times we assume that what we are doing is what our spouse wants. That may not always be the case. All marriage counselors will tell you that communication is key to a successful relationship whether marriage or otherwise. Today's tip may put us in a vulnerable position but it is for the better. If we are determined to make our marriages work we need to put ourselves out there and then make the necessary adjustments.

I have asked my husband on different occasions about what he would like to see more of in our bedroom. Truth be told the first time I did it I felt myself becoming defensive on the inside. I started making up excuses in my mind. Then the Spirit of God reminded me that if I act defensive he may never feel safe enough to share again for a long time. So I bit my lip and just asked my husband to pray for me as I try to improve in the areas he mentioned. It's made a difference for sure. Communication is key. Now read on for today's tip and share your thoughts in the comments.

Ask your husband to give you three words that describe how he thinks sex should be. Try not to get defensive if those words don't describe your current sex life, just listen and learn. Be prepared to share your three words if he asks for your word choices.

Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and the pupil are located in the same individual. Arthur Koestler

Be generous! Lori <>< Copyright © 2001-2009 Lori J. Byerly All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. I did this quite some time ago. He wanted me to pursue him. YIKES! Back when he said it I was astounded, didn't he want a "sweet Godly woman"? And what if he rejected me? How embarrassing! Ahhh..thank goodness I put aside those fears of rejection and just pursued. We have always had a wonderful relationship, but now it's the best!!!


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