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Friday, October 12, 2007

It's been a challenging and very emotional time these past few weeks. The end result is that my family and I are moving back home to Dominica(not the Dominican Republic)for a little while. I don't for how long we will be there it is up to the one who controls our lives. I am excited to see what He is going to do through us while we are there. Please pray for us as we pack up our home and put things in storage, ship things etc. We are leaving in a couple of weeks so the time is short. Pray for wisdom as we decide what to store and what to ship and take with us. We don't know yet where we are going to live. My husband's family is looking into accomodations for us. Please also pray for God and man's favor in this area and every area that involves this move. I am sad to be leaving my church family and the friends I've made here but maybe we won't be separated for too long.

Since we don't yet know where we will be living I have no idea as to if and when we will get our internet set up. I will blog whenever I get access to the internet until we get it set up at home so check back periodically for updates on how this move is going and please pray for us whenever the Lord brings me to your mind.

Dominica is a beautiful place and I will post pictures when possible.

Be fruitful and multiply
Multiply what the Lord has put in your hands and glorify Him

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I noe everything is still hectic, but I need that info for the missions proceeds (I have to get our order form made up), so I need:

    Dolph and Jennifer Lively (is this spelled correctly?)
    an address where we may send it-
    what form of currency would be best? A check, a money order, a cashier's check? I don't know anything about currency in Dominica.

    And eventually we need a picture of your whole family. Go ahead and email it when you get a chance.

    Keeping you in prayer and thinking of you a great deal!


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