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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

We are in Dominica. Have been since October 23. Internet access is not yet established. I am using my husband's sister's computer to type this. She lives quite a distance from us so we had to make a special trip to her home to get access to her computer and internet. Praise God for the blessing.

The boys are enjoying meeting their extended family. They have met so many cousins. They are having fun. We are finally in our apartment and believing God for the next month's rent and living expenses. The Lord has not yet revealed to us His purpose for leading us back home so we are taking each day as it comes and doing whatever the Lord brings our way.

I am still unpacking. I cannot fully unpack because we need some furniture. A desk for the computer for example, a bookshelf or some sort of shelving for our books, something to put the TV on because the floor is beautifully bare with no rug. When I say beautifully bare that is exactly what I mean. I will post pictures when I get the chance. It is beautiful work done by the landlord himself who lives upstairs.

Anyway though we may want a few more things, we have a roof over our heads which is a blessing reserved by God for us(more on that story later), we have food and we have clothes, we have each other and we have God. So all in all we are blessed.

Please do continue to pray for us.
Be fruitful and multiply what the Lord has put in your hands.
Fruitful Vine

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