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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Woohoo!!!!!!! Internet connection has come to my house. Thank you Lord for answered prayer. Now we have to get our computer fixed and then it is complete. Right now I am using my brother in law's laptop. Hopefully we will have our computer fixed before he goes back to St. Maarteen. Thank you Lord!!!!!!! You are good to us. Thank you Lord.

Another answered prayer is that we finally got our car off the port. We had an additional $2803 to pay to be able to get it out but thank God for his provision. We got the money to do that. Now we are believing God for the 3 monthly installments of over $1300 to pay the remainder of the taxes and duties charged for bringing it on the island. I know God is going to meet that need so I'm not worried. He did not bring us this far to abandon us. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

The Lord gave me a vision of part of my afternoon schedule. He showed me that my home is also a ministry training ground. He showed me that I can have a School of Ministry right in my home. As the first phase he impressed upon my heart to include my boys in the first few minutes of my afternoon prayer time. The reason being threefold - 1. to train them in prayer 2. to build their faith get them accustomed to long seasons of prayer gradually. I love how the Lord gives direction as to how to order my life and my days. So now we have Valerie Christian Academy(homeschool) in the morning and Valerie School of Ministry(ministry training) in the afternoons. The Lord's vision was in answer to my prayer and desire to pass on to our children a passion for ministry. My husband and I are called to full-time ministry and I wanted our next generation to carry on the mantle and walk in increased annointing in whatever areas the Lord Jesus would call them. Thank you Lord for answered prayer. Help me to fulfill your will Lord. I pray that I would not be distracted and begin to seek other things than your kingdom first as you said in Matthew 6:33. Continue to order my steps in your word Lord Jesus. I love you very much. I pray that my love for you would increase, in your name I pray Amen.

Today is going to be both busy and restful. I have some clearing of the dining room to do. When we cleared the boxes that were in the car from the port on Monday my husband and his brother experienced Christmas morning excitement and opened all the boxes depositing much of the contents all over the dining room area. I wish I could post the before picture but this laptop does not support floppy disks which is what my camera uses. I also have to season some meat I bought in town on Monday before I put it in the freezer. I need to sweep the house. Do homeschool(you know what I think I'll skip PACE work today and just do oral lessons with them). I have clothes to fold and put away from some laundry I did yesterday at my mother in law's home. I have to pack some more laundry to be done tomorrow God willing which is my actual laundry day. I also need to pack an overnight bag because we normally sleep at my parents-in-law's home after the church service on Wednesday night so that I can get an early start on the laundry in the morning. I also need to sit down and do some finances and tie up any loose ends from Monday's trip to town. Then there is the usual meal prep and dish washing etc. I plan on resting amidst all this because I don't want to fall asleep during service tonight. Father by your Holy Spirit be with me and strengthen me as I go about todays work. Give me your wisdom and let me know if there is anything I should add or if there is anything I should not do. Amen.

Have a good day everyone. Remember to be fruitful and multiply. Multiply what the Lord has put in your hands and glorify Him.
Your friend in Christ Jesus

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