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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Well it's certainly been a long time since I wrote anything. Both my brother in law and my sister in law's computer have been down. So no chance to use the internet. It's been a challenge for me because I was so used to looking up other blogs for encouragement.

I have been trying out a new schedule for my day. It's been working so far. Here it is:
4am-Rise shine & pray
-Use toilet and swipe
-Oral care and swish sink
-Alone time with God & journaling
530am-Cook lunch & breakfast
-Bathe & get dressed
-Devotions as a family & then devotions with hubby
-Sweep or mop house
After lunch the boys get free time to play and I do whatever I need to it's free time for me too.
I find that getting up early has always worked but moving the cooking to early in the day makes me less distracted during homeschool which makes for a more peaceful day.
430pm-Boys bath
530pm-Supper prep
730pm-Boys bedtime
After the boys go to bed I get to spend time with hubby if he is home or do whatever I need to do.
930pm-Bedtime or earlier depending on how tired I feel

Thursdays are a bit different because that's the day I go to my inlaws to do my laundry and some cleaning for them. We have no school on Thursdays because of that. I sleep over on Wednesday nights after the church service so that I can get an early start on the laundry and cleaning.

So that's a glimpse into my life as it is now. When I get another chance to blog I will share more of what's been happening in our lives.

Because we finished homeschool early on Tuesday by 1200noon we were done. The boys and I took the bus to town to go to the library. They were really excited because they had great memories of going to the library in St. Thomas. I had to get used to the small number of books that I or the boys could check out. Two for an adult and one for a child and the child has to be five years old. So I had to use one of mine to get a book for Jeremiah who is four.

Anyway time's up. I've got to go now.
Be fruitful and multiply. Multiply what the Lord has put in your hand and glorify him.

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