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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Glorious Glorious Resurrection Sunday

It was indeed a glorious Resurrection Sunday. The worship service was wonderful this morning. I felt such a freedom as I sang and praised God, it was amazing. Our hope is not in a dead person. Jesus is alive!

Our service today was different. The youth were in charge of organizing it and did a tremendous job. They divided the program among the key groups in the church. The youth themselves portrayed parts of the life of Jesus, assigned the death and burial to the Ladies Ministry and gave the Resurrection part to the Men's Ministry. There were skits, songs, choreographies and of course the message. I thoroughly enjoyed directing the Ladies Ministry skit and song.

My wonderful hubby was charged with bringing the word and as usual the Lord God Almighty used him in powerful way. Since the Men's Ministry was last on the program before the message, he planned and rehearsed the skit with the men in such a way that it served as an introduction to his message. He preached in his costume for the skit. I couldn't resist taking a few pictures. He ended his sermon with a song. He has such a wonderful voice. God has indeed blessed him with alot of talent and ability. I pray that he continues to use all to glorify our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ all the days of his life.

My one of a kind hubby. I'm blessed.

We had lunch at church. Everyone was commissioned by the pastor to bring a dish. The ladies served and everyone was filled. When we came home we both felt so wonderfully tired. It was a different kind of tiredness. We did not feel exhausted, just tired and filled with joy. We took a shower together and enjoyed that immensely(wink). Then we called the boys to come spend some time with us on our bed. They loved that. My little Jeremiah(4yrold) just kicked up his feet in pure joy for quite a few seconds. We all four fell asleep together. I woke up before all of them and came on the computer. We have no service tonight.

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