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Monday, March 24, 2008

Making Your Home a Haven Monday

It's that time again. Crystal over at Biblical Womanhood is doing the Making Your Home a Haven Monday. This week we are encouraged to get our homes back in order. In keeping with that theme here is my to do list with a few pictures. Using the 15 minute method from FlyLady , I am going to spend 15 minutes on the computer, 15 minutes tackling an area, 15 minutes back on the computer etc.

Today is a holiday and I am alone at home. The boys went with their daddy to Sports Day activities hosted by the Kingshill Baptist Church at the Botanical Gardens. I can focus without having to answer a question every few minutes.

1. Remove everything under the bed
Before: After:

2. Tidy the floor on my side of the bed
Before: After:

3. Wash dishes

4. Clean stove

5. Clean fridge
Before: After:

You might be wondering what happened to all the bags. I cut up the pumpkin that was in the bags, put them in plastic freezer bags and put them in the freezer and put the bags with lettuce in the vegetable compartment below.

6. Sweep entire house (done)

7. Fold laundry and put away(done)

8. Tidy area with clothes for ironing(done)

9. Iron some of those clothes

10. Swish and swipe both bathrooms(done)

11. Mop kitchen

12. Make bed(done)
Before: After:

13. Clear & clean kitchen counter

14. Clear & clean dining table(done)
Before: After:

15. Mop both bathrooms.(done)
Well there you have it. I am really tired and my hubby called to say that he invited his sister and her family over this evening about 7pm. That means I need to go take a nap. Everything else will have to wait until another time. Hopefully tomorrow. It was a productive day. Thank you Lord. Some much needed stuff got done. Bye for now dear readers.
(Edited to add) - Okay so I checked my blog page to see how the pictures turned out. The only one that was properly aligned was the one of the fridge. Sorry about that but I think you can make out which ones are the before and which ones are the after. I am too tired right now to go through the long process of fixing it and I don't even know where to start. It's officially nap time.


1 comment:

  1. Great job! I got quite a bit done too. Not everything on my list -- but I won't fret about it too much!

    I am a fellow "SHE"! I love FlyLady!



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