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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This past Saturday

Life is wonderful. I enjoy the days so much. Saturday was good. The evening turned out to be fun. It started when my hubby came home from taking his cousin Jessica who's visiting from England ATV riding. He brought home some delicious snacks.

The round things in the middle are tamarind(pronounced tambrin)balls. Tamarinds are very tart and most times sour so these balls are filled with sugar. The taste is a combination of tartness and sweetness. The things on the outer edge are meat pies and codfish pies. Delicioso, I must say. My best friend from St. Thomas has an aunt who makes these and she lives in the area where my hubby took Jessica ATV riding.

After that he solicited his brother's haircutting skills to cut the boys hair. The expression on their faces during this process was funny. Here's Judah:

Here's Jeremiah:

These are the after pictures:


Then my hubby got what we call a 'shape up'. It is just trimming and refining around the edges.

My brother in law Ivon Valerie, the master barber. Woohoo!!!

After that the evening progressed into what we called "Pumpkin Night". My father in law's garden produces giant pumpkins many of them weighing upwards of 40lbs. My hubby brought piece of one home the other day and so he decided to make pumpkin drink for the joint birthday party on Sunday afternoon. Well, it tasted so good that they ended up making two batches because Ivon decided that the first batch was for his personal consumption. Here are some pictures:
The boys in a pumpkin frame:

My brother in law Ivon with a piece of the pumpkin:

My hubby cutting the pumpkin and putting it to cook:

The finished product:

The original and the finished together:

Here we are enjoying the finished product:

Now some of you may be thinking Pumpkin drink?!, strange but trust me it tastes good. The pumpkin is blended, milk, sugar, water, vanilla and almond extract are added to create a drink to die for(not literally of course). My hubby does these wonderful drinks with all kinds of fruits and vegetables, yes vegetables. He is the drink maker of the home. Delicioso.

Oh yes I forgot to mention. Saturday turned out to be an ironing marathon for me. I just felt so up to the task. I ironed all my clothes, the boys clothes and a couple of my hubby's shirts. I stopped because he saw that I was beginnning to get tired and asked me to. In previous posts there have been pictures of my dining table. Well the ironing mountain was piled high on that table making it unusable for a couple of days. At the end I couldn't believe it, just about 8 or so shirts of my hubby's left. It was upward of 80 pcs of clothes. I checked. Yeah! Ironing Mountain conquered. Thank you Lord! I wish I had taken before and after pictures.

That's is all about my Saturday. Sunday's details are coming up in the next post.



  1. please come on over and iron for my family!! :o) I don't really enjoy the task. and the snacks looks soooo yummy. My parents are originally from Haiti, so I'm a little familiar with the treats. yum!

  2. I love tamarind! Tamarind drink is so refreshing on a hot day! I'd love to taste that pumpkin drink, sounds good!


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