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Thursday, March 13, 2008

My day

Boy! Today was a really full day. It was great just full.

Today was laundry day. I went to my inlaws as usual to do laundry but about 915am the electricity company decided to have a power outage. It was one of those planned things that helps them keep the power going. I was able to do about three small loads Praise God.

Then I decided to take the boys home and do school since I couldn't wash. I left with the boys taking my husband's 4yr old nephew with us, took my mother in law to the Health Centre and went home. We did lessons, I cooked lunch.

Then my husband came home from town, went to pick up his dad who is a farmer to go to the garden(we call a farm a garden the majority of the time). On the way they stopped and my father in law invited us to go with them. Well we packed up lunch and went. The boys enjoyed having lunch out there. Their grandpa cut cane and peeled it for them. They love cane.

After we were through eating we left him and went to the river to wash the car and bathe. Oh the boys had fun. The water was lovely. I wished I had the camera. So sorry no pics. I think I will have to carry the camera everywhere I go because such moments need to be recorded. These are memory makers.

Anyway to finish tell you about my day: We picked up my father in law and I went back to their home to do some morel aundry. By that time it was already 6pm. I did a few loads and brought them home to line dry. My mother in law was baking bread. It smelled so good. When it was done the boys and I had warm bread with butter. Oh my goodness what a taste! Yummy is an understatement. My hubby added sorrel jam to his bread and butter. Now that was a whole different level of yummy. Then I dropped hubby off at Men's Ministry meeting and came home. I gave the boys some tea and sent them to bed and have been on the computer ever since. It is now 1047pm and I've got to go. We are going to town very early in the morning and I need to sleep. I hope to do school in a different setting again tomorrow. It depends on how the day goes. Oh the advantages of homeschooling. We do school year round so if we don't do any lessons tomorrow it won't affect the boys negatively. Praise the Lord for that.

I've been going on and on. I hope you enjoyed a glimpse of one of my days. Did you get to know me better? I hope so. Have a great life! Enjoy every moment. I know I am. My home was not in order when I picked up and went to the garden but I went anyway. Seized the moment. I had dishes piled up in the sink. I had two chairs loaded with ironing that needed to be done. There was lots to stay home and do but why? Life needs to be enjoyed. These opportunities do not come every day so when they come I intend to seize them as much as is possible.

Till next time


  1. Jennifer -- I get the honor of being your first commentor...comentator...person to leave a comment!

    Can you believe how many blog parties there are? Over 1400 right now. Wow. I don't think I'll make it through all of them by Friday. I'm only on about #200!

    I'm so glad that I found your blog, though. I was encouraged just reading a couple of posts. you have an absolutely beautiful family! I look forward to reading more about you and your ministry. I've added you to my favorites!!!

    Please stop by my blog party when you have time! Blessings!!!

  2. hello, hello, hello! I am so glad to have found your site. I'm visiting from the blog party and am a pastor's wife and homeschooling mama as well. I appreciate so many things you've said on your posts. I'll be back!! Please stop over if you have some time.

  3. This was a beautiful blog. When things didn't go as you planned you just found something better to do. How lucky your family is that you are there. Perhaps you feel the same, I can't say, but I feel you must be a great inspiration. I loved the pictures of the radio station visit day also.


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