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Saturday, March 15, 2008

My first Ultimate Blog Party was great! I met people from as far away as Mexico, Italy and Hong Kong. I'm not finished visiting everyone but here is a partial list of blogs that caught my attention: Toby Parsons at Merchant Ships, Rebecca at Beautiful Feet, Green is Her New Blog, Daniele has two blogs Domestic Serenity and Westgate Academy, Carmen at GraceFull Days. Visit some of them, leave a comment or two as you browse around their blog. I met someone with my other name Corinne which was pretty interesting because she's the only one I've met who spells it the way I do and she loves to read just like I do. There was Val at Purple Valley, Valarie, Jacki at Moving at the Speed of Life, Nicol at Classy and Sophisticated, Michelle, Melanie at The Fruits of the Spirit , MamaKat at 'Burgh on a Budget, Tipp at A[tipp]ical Thoughts, The Chocolistas, Debby at Bee in Italy, Tami at 101 Fairy Lane. Thanks to all who visited my blog and left comments. Looking forward to the next Blog Party!



    Hello from Faial Island - Azores.

    Come and meet our beautiful island in the middle of the Atlantic...

  2. Hi Jenn,

    I 'finally' added you to my blog roll. I plan to do an after party post between tonight and a few days from now. :) I'm so glad to have met you through the blog party!!! :)

  3. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment on our blog! Looking forward to surfing around yours...

    Michelle :)


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