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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Generous wife tip

Today's tip is so important. Many a married man has found himself in an emotional affair with another woman because that woman gave him the praise that he desired. Affair-proofing our marriages again ladies. This has become such a habit with me that I find myself whispering to my friends to compliment their husband if he does something and I am around at the time. Of course I only do this with friends who I have already had previous conversations with about marriage and they are open to my input. We need to be each other's keeper and help each other do the right thing.

When [your husband] finishes something he has put a great deal of time and/or effort into, be sure to let him know that he did well. Praise his diligence and hard work, and his dedication to finish what he started. That said, don't withhold your praise if you feel he has completed the task imperfectly or has taken too long to do it. If someone finishes a marathon they are praised even if they did not win, and even if their running form is poor - likewise see dedication to finishing things as praise worthy in and of itself.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Eccleciastes 9:10 NAS

Think generous! Lori
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