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Monday, April 21, 2008

Generous wife tip & Progress report

Your tip of the day and progress on my anti-procastination to do list. Scroll to the bottom of this post for the progress report. In line with today's tip: My hubby gave me this poem on a plaque. It sits on the top of the toilet tank in our present home. When we lived in St. Thomas it hung on the wall above our chest of drawers. Reading it at times has brought tears to my eyes. It's called I'd Marry You Again.

With tiny tears that glistened,
my eyes were fixed on you,
and thinking of the life we'd share
we softly said, "I do".
Our hearts were knit together
from the time that we first met,
and memories were gathered
that we will never forget.
While daily living life with you,
you saw the real me,
and still you chose acceptance,
a lifelong mystery.
With many happy times gone by
and others when we cried,
some days we'd share so endlessly,
while other days we'd hide.
With all the ups and downs we've had
in learning to be friends,
I know that in this heart of mine,
I'd marry you again.

Just typing this moved me. Do this tip ladies. You can use the above poem if you wish.
Generous wife tip:
Frame the lyrics to your favorite love song and hang it up in your bedroom. No favorite song? How about a favorite love scripture or poem.

My true-love hath my heart and I have his, by just exchange one for the other given; I hold his dear and mine he cannot miss; there never was a better bargain drive. Philip Sidney

Think generous! Lori <><

Copyright © 2001-2008 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved

Progress report:
Oh Praise the Lord from whom all blessings flow. It is so good to have you blog friends out there praying for me and encouraging me as I tackled these much needed to dos. Knowing you all were there kept me on track. Thanks alot everyone. I knocked off a few more things off that list.
1. (DONE)Finances
2. (DONE)Supervise boys tidying their room
3. Wash and comb hair
4. (DONE)Work on overhauling my Household Management Control Journal for 15 minutes. Check Keeping The Home for the series she is currently doing on building a Home Management Binder for help.
5. (DONE)Call A.C.E to check on progress of homeschool materials ordered
6. (DONE)Declutter office for 15 minutes.
7. Bake cinnamon rolls for hubby.

These are the items that remain to be done:
1. Wash and comb hair
2. Bake cinnamon rolls for hubby.
This is so awesome. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord!

Tomorrow will be a day out so I'm not sure that I'll be on the computer until the evening. Friends of ours from the church in St.Thomas are stopping by on a cruise and we are taking them around. Have a blessed evening.

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