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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Generous wife tips

I have had a back up of tips because of my busy days. This post includes three tips. Do something this weekend. Make this THE weekend when you decide to do at least one of these tips per week. Hopefuly you do more than one a week but do something. A marriage left to grow by itself will wilt.

Here are Lori's tips - #1
When my husband and I went on an anniversary trip earlier this year, we stopped at a candle store and bought a selection of scented gel candles. Most evenings, I will light one up for a lovely scent in the bedroom. The other day, my husband said that he could still smell the scent of the candle from the night before when he walked into bedroom. Given his tone of voice and smile, ... let's just say he was happy about the pleasurable memory associated with the scent.
I thought that was pretty cool. Something as simple as a scented candle could be used to build intimacy ... a lovely scent associated with intimacy and, later, the remembrance of that experience.
So, try a few nice candles. Most malls have a candle store or two. Also, the "candle store" link above will take you to the store we purchased candles from and they are happy to mail candles (US and abroad).

I love thee to the level of everyday's most quiet need, by sun and candle light ... I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, of all my life. Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Think generous! Lori <><

I have a "wrinkle line" between my eyebrows (I frown when I concentrate). One day I caught a glimpse of myself when I was sporting that line. I looked absolutely cranky. Now, mind you, I was having a rather pleasant day, but I still looked very much like I was feeling cranky.
My tip for today is to pay attention to your face. Is it sporting the emotion you want it to? Do you smile at your husband or look pleasant when you mean to? It takes a bit of awareness, but it's worth the effort to communicate to your spouse (and others) that they are loved and special (rather than just annoying you on a very cranky day).

We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do. Mother Teresa

Think generous! Lori <><

Buy some nice "manly" smelling lotion and routinely rub it on the rough and dry parts of your husband's body. It will give your husband some nice sensual touch and make him easier to hug (fewer rough spots). :)

His body is carved ivory inlaid with sapphires ... Song of Songs 5:14b NKJV

Think generous! Lori <><

Copyright © 2001-2008 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved

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