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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Featured book for week April 6-12

I love this book. The Lord used this to help me get my life in better shape and perspective. It's available for only $9.99. Just click on the image below to purchase.

901914: Life Management for Busy WomenLife Management for Busy Women

By Elizabeth George / Harvest House Publishers

Do you feel as though you're forever falling behind in your schedule? Do you long for your life to be simpler and more focused? Are you wondering about your purpose in life--if perhaps you've missed it? You're not alone--these are concerns that tug at the hearts of many women today. And author Elizabeth George, a busy woman herself, can identify completely. Through the years, she has looked to God's Word for answers about a woman's priorities and purpose in life, and in this book she shares her discoveries, including . . .
  • God's guidelines for managing the seven major areas of your life (your spiritual life, your body, your finances, your friendships, and more)
  • practical disciplines for managing your life more efficiently and effectively
  • how-to ideas for improving your schedule and life right away

As you follow God's plan for making the most of your time, you'll come to know the beauty, simplicity, and power of a life lived according to God's principles and purposes.


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