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Friday, April 18, 2008

Just saying hi

Just wanted to pop in and say hi. Yesterday was laundry day so I was at my in laws until night time. Today I am focusing on getting some much needed work done around my home. Today is my anti-procrastination day. This is my list of Things To Do not necessarily in the order given:

1. Create grocery list,give to hubby as he goes into town for ministry today. (done)
2. Wash dishes(partially done)
3. Put clean hand towels in both bathrooms. (done)
4. Finances
5. Breakfast prep (done)- Menu - Scrambled eggs
Corned beef/vienna sausage sauteed with onions & ketchup
6. Lunch prep (done)- Menu - Mashed potatoes
Macaroni & cheese
7. Check progress on homeschool goals and chart out the next few months till September.
8. Supervise boys tidying their room
9. Comb my hair.(done on a bus! - explanations on an Anti Procrastination Day update post)
10. Fold clean clothes & put away (done - boys helped with this one)
11. Hang up wet clothes to dry (done)
12. Make bed (done)
13. Sweep house
14. Look up recipe for wholewheat cinnamon rolls. (done)
15. Work on overhauling my Household Management Control Journal for 15 minutes. Check Keeping The Home for the series she is currently doing on building a Home Management Binder for help.
16. Call A.C.E to check on progress of school materials ordered
17. Check for goods in emergency supplies close to expiration date and rotate them into current goods for use. (done)
18. Afternoon prayer and alone time with God. Include boys in the first few minutes of this time.
19. Declutter office for 15 minutes.
20. Put temperature bag in car for hubby to put frozen stuff. (done)
21. Check out Sam's Club online (done)
22. Go through boys clothes in storage and remove current sizes. They have grown a couple of inches since we've been here.
23. Supper prep (done-slight change in menu though)- Menu - Cream of Wheat
24. Supervise boys bath time.(done by Uncle Ivon)
25. Tidy the floor on my side of the bed. (done)
26. Clear living room floor & sofa (done - boys helped with this one)
27. Bake cinnamon rolls as a surprise for hubby.

Oh my! What a list! "I can do all things through Jesus Christ who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13. There is no school today so I'm using the Fly Lady 15 minutes system today to make full use of My Anti Procrastination Day. 15 minutes on the computer, 15 minutes on a project, 15 minutes back on the computer and so on. Pray for me sisters. I am a lady with a mission - conquer procrastination and develop habits to keep on track. I sense in my spirit that big things are coming our way as a ministry couple, I don't know whether good or seemingly bad(I say seemingly because God is the one who allows things into our lives and if he allows something then it is not really bad just painful and the end is righteousness and a closer walk with Him), so I'm doing all I can to get ready. I am preparing the way of the Lord. I don't want to miss out on anything He wants to do in and through our lives because I am unprepared and have unfinished tasks I've been procrastinating on or I am not able to hear Him because of all the stuff clamoring for my attention. An orderly life leaves room for the Lord to surprise us and we don't have pile ups on top of pile ups. With things in order when life happens there will only be the pile up to deal with not past pile ups below present piles. Ok I may be repeating myself here so it's time to end this post and get off the computer. See ya later.

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