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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Generous wife tip

This is a good one ladies. Right thinking is necessary for a strong marriage.

I have a perspective to share with y'all...

You are your husband's only sexual partner. If your husband is going to have his sexual needs legitimately met, it will be by you and no one else. If you don't meet his needs, and to a certain extent his wants, he goes "hungry." There is no substitute wife who can fill in for you.
It's a scary and vulnerable place to be for a husband. Your husband needs for you to be his sexual partner. If you don't, he has no legitimate place to turn. He craves that intimacy ~ physically, emotionally, relationally and, I believe, spiritually. Please be aware of this need and the lack of other options for filling that need.
I do not believe that this is an insignificant need. Sexuality is an integral part of both men and women. Making time to be sexual with your spouse is a good, healthy and important choice to make.

In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. Eleanor Roosevelt

Think generous! Lori <><

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All Rights Reserved


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