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Wednesday, April 9, 2008


The left side of my mouth has been hurting for a few days now. The gums next to a crown I have seem to be swollen. I could hardly sleep last night. At about 3am when I couldn't take it anymore I took some Ibuprofen and then was able to get some sleep. My plan was to get up at 6am, prepare breakfast and then go to the health center just down the hill about 715am to have the dentist look at the area. Usually it is first come first served there so I wanted to be real early. Well it didn't quite work out that way. I woke up a little after 7am but thank God for a wonderful hubby. I just told him what to use for breakfast, took a bath, got dressed and was at the health center before 730am. The dentist gave me a prescription to get the swelling down and one as an antibiotic. After the swelling goes down I have to go back to her so she can give me a paper to go get an xray of the area to see if the problem is with the tooth. If it is not with the tooth then that means it is the gums and she will let me know what to do then.

When I got back this is the sight that greeted me at home:

It looked so good to see the family together at the table I just couldn't resist taking a picture. My hubby did a great job with breakfast. Here's a closer look at what he did:

He also cleaned up the kitchen and cooked lunch. I praise God for him. It was definitely a blessing today because of how I was feeling. Thank you Lord.



  1. Nothing worse than a sore mouth! Hope everything is well soon!

  2. How sweet of your hubby!!! It's wonderful to be blessed with someone so special and thoughtful :)

    Really hope you're feeling better soon ;)


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