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Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Tuesday was a good day. My hubby's brother Junior brought his wife along when he came to help check out the washer. She and I played Yahtzee, and they had lunch with us.

This next picture was taken by Judah my 5yr old. He is getting so much better at taking pictures.

She and I went to pick up Dolph's nephew Steve Jr. after school. The boys were so excited. He is 4yrs old and they have lots of fun whenever the three of them are together.

The Lord has blessed again. A few day ago my older son Judah approached his Daddy and I about fasting his snack for his bicycle and some other toys. We allowed him to do it because we wanted him to get into the habit of fasting and know what it is all about. Well, when my hubby and his brother took apart the machine and looked into the pipe coming out of the wall they found a flute. My younger son Jeremiah instantly adopted it because he had seen one at the Christian bookstore in town and requested it. The man we had met with in town regarding the boys curriculum had mentioned to us that we needed to include a fine arts component to include music. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. No need to buy an instrument. All we need is lessons which I plan to research on the internet. Jeremiah just couldn't put it down. Here he is giving his father a massage by walking on his back still playing the flute:

Another one of him lying down on his father's back playing still:

Praise God for this season of wonderful family times.


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