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Monday, April 21, 2008

Yeah! Progress!

It's only 9:05am and I have already knocked off some more items of my list. Yeah! Here's the progress report:
1. (DONE)Wash dishes(ongoing of course but this is piled up stuff I have to deal with).
2. Finances
3. (DONE ON SUNDAY)Check progress on homeschool goals and chart out the next few months till September.
4. Supervise boys tidying their room
5. Wash and comb hair
6. (DONE)Sweep house
7. Work on overhauling my Household Management Control Journal for 15 minutes. Check Keeping The Home for the series she is currently doing on building a Home Management Binder for help.
8. Call A.C.E to check on progress of homeschool materials ordered
9. Declutter office for 15 minutes.
10.(DONE)Go through boys clothes in storage and remove current sizes. They have grown a couple of inches since we've been here.
11. Bake cinnamon rolls for hubby.

My new list now looks like this. Much smaller, yeah! Thanks for the prayers everyone.
1. Finances
2. Supervise boys tidying their room
3. Wash and comb hair
4. Work on overhauling my Household Management Control Journal for 15 minutes. Check Keeping The Home for the series she is currently doing on building a Home Management Binder for help.
5. Call A.C.E to check on progress of homeschool materials ordered
6. Declutter office for 15 minutes.
7. Bake cinnamon rolls for hubby.
Have a blessed day.



  1. Wow! That is quite the list. Looks like you are making some great progress.
    Our Happy Happenings
    Livin' With Me

  2. This is an answer to prayer! I've been praying you through this and will continue on until that list is 'all' gone. :) I'm so proud of you for doing the work and tackling it consistently. :)

  3. Hi Jen (( Hugz)) I just got back from Camp, Wozie!!! you are on a roll!! lol. just wanted to drop by and say Hi and to tell you I'm gonna work on my meme and later will post pics on women's Camp
    Have a blessed day!!!


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