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Saturday, April 5, 2008


Yesterday I woke up at 4:30 when my hubby's alarm went off. I decided to do at least 45 minutes of cleaning up around the house with the kitchen being the most needing of attention. I set the timer for 15minutes, washed dishes, reset the timer swept all rooms except the bedrooms, reset the timer and 15 more minutes of dishes. Went back into the bedroom took a bath and settled back into bed for some time with my hubby. Took a 1/2hour nap and then got up again to prepare for departure to town. We got to the radio station and while hubby went in to do the live interactive prayer session on the air the boys and I settled in the car to do lessons. This is my youngest Jeremiah

and this is my oldest Judah

This was the first time we did lessons in the car and we had the radio prayer session on in the background so there were times of distraction on the boys part but even at home we have those. So all in all the experience of doing lessons in the car was good. We actually completed an entire day's lessons for both of them.

After coming from the radio station we ran a few errands and then we went to prayer and deliverance meeting. While parking my husband bumped someone who was parked behind us but there was no damage Praise God. These are a few pictures of the prayer and deliverance meeting. Evangelist Peter Augustine was the one who spoke. He was back from doing ministry in France. This is view of most of the meeting area:

This next picture is of the Evangelist preaching the word:

This is my hubby ministering to someone at the end of the meeting:

This is the Evangelist ministering to someone else:

After the meeting I visited my friend and mentor at the Christian Bookstore. We ran a few errands and then headed home. Then surprise, surprise while we were driving through Pottersville which is right after town I saw my former boss getting into her vehicle. I was so excited I couldn't stand myself. My hubby pulled off to the side and then I ran to the back of our vehicle where there was an available parking spot. You should have seen me flagging down her vehicle waving like I was some crazy woman. You have to understand I have not seen this lady since my hubby and I got married and we left the island. She was more than a boss to me. We were great friends. She had been living in the States for four years and now she was back on island at the same time I was. Hence my excitement. I just couldn't believe it. We spoke briefly, exchanged numbers and parted. This was another great surprise and on a Friday again just like when my best friend visited from St. Thomas. Thank you Lord for those great surprises you keep showering me with.

On the way home we had to go the my father in law's garden to pick him and my mother in law up and their produce to take them home. On the way to their home we stopped by our home to put the perishables in the fridge and then went to their home. After offloading the vehicle my hubby disappeared only to find out that he had gone to his granny's house just a few feet away to visit with his aunt and cousin from England. While waiting I got to watch 2 episodes of my favorite TV show - Monk. When I go to my inlaws is basically the only time I get to watch TV because by choice we do not subscribe to cable and have not bought a TV yet. The boys get to watch the only channel I trust for kids that's available through the island's Cable provider and that is the Smile Of A Child network from TBN. We ate supper there and then went home. I was really tired by the time we got home but it was a good day. Thank God for His many blessings and surprises.

So that was my day yesterday. Hope yours was a good one. Hope today is even better.



  1. What a full day you had! I'm sure that there are many like that one in your lives - Thank You both for doing what you do there!

    You are so sweet with stopping by and loved your little note! :O)

    Love and God's Blessings,

  2. how special to reconnect with a friend! that is a wonderful surprise indeed. :o)

  3. I love it! Mobile school! We do math drills and skip counting while on short trips. It works well.

    Isn't it wonderful how God puts little, special moments into our life...just because He can! I'm so happy that you got to visit with your old friend.


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