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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Generous wife tip

Tip of the day. This one has taken a bit of time for me to learn but I'm getting there praise God.
Don't be afraid to be yourself in the bedroom. Ask for what you think you would like. Be a little spontaneous. Don't be too concerned about how you look or sound. Allow your husband to see a more private and personal side of you.

But my dove, my perfect one, is unique ... Song of Songs 6:9a NAS

Think generous! Lori

Copyright © 2001-2008 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


  1. I am back. I hope you are feeling better. I hope to post soon, but nothing yet. Getting back means lots of catching up. Take care of that cold or flu. Debby

  2. I am back. I hope you are feeling better. I hope to post soon, but nothing yet. Getting back means lots of catching up. Take care of that cold or flu. Debby


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