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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Playing catchup

I've been busy. I've been battling the flu. I've been having some exciting days despite the way I feel. I will post about my week when I feel a bit better. Thank God for scheduled posting by blogger, my mother's day greetings will post without my having to be at the computer. Oh how I wish I had a laptop then I could post from my bed today. My hubby took care of the boys breakfast this morning and let me sleep in so that I could continue to recover. Just wanted to say hi.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, and I had 'really' hoped you wouldn't catch what the boys had.

    Take care of yourself. Rest is very healing. :) Be sure to get enough of it.

    I'll be praying your recover quickly.

    Love & prayers!!! :)


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