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Friday, May 16, 2008

Generous wife tips

Catching up, sorry about that. Here are Lori's tips from over the last few days.

Wednesday's tip:
Sleep naked. There's something very warm and special about skin on skin and it's guaranteed to keep the fire burning (if you have kids, put a robe by your bed).

Let his left hand be under my head and his right hand embrace me. Song of Songs 2:6 NAS

Think generous! Lori

Thursday's tip:
One of the things that I have worked at is being calm regardless of the circumstances. I pray for that kind of calm and I routinely keep an eye on my behavior, voice, etc. Now, please understand, that I'm not perfect at it yet, LOL it's just a goal of mine to be calm. I think it's a good gift to give to your husband, kids, friends, etc.
So as a suggestion, I encourage y'all to watch how you act and speak and consider working at being calm. It can make even the most difficult of situations better. Don't expect perfection, just make it a general goal and work toward being more calm.

Sometimes God calms the storm ... Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms the child. Author Unknown

Think generous! Lori

Today's tip:
Do you often find yourself putting off your husband's requests with "just a minute," "not right now" or "wait until I finish "? Certainly this is reasonable sometimes, but if you do it too often it will communicate to him that he has less value to you than all those things that you put ahead of him.
Take the time to think through what is so important that you need to ask others to wait and those things where an interruption is really not that big of a deal.

The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work. Author Unknown.

Think generous! Lori

Copyright © 2001-2008 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


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