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Sunday, May 11, 2008

How do they do it?

My boys sleeping positions on Thursday night.

My hubby took the picture. The original position that prompted me to want to take a picture was of Judah the one on the left with his leg hanging over the edge of the bunk bed. But while Carol, Ivon, my hubby and I were there laughing he shifted. They do all sorts of contortions when they sleep. My brother in law Ivon has this picture of them sleeping with Jeremiah's foot in his brother's face. LOL! My gracious how do they do it?!



  1. I have to comment - my two little boys sleep on their top bunk the same way! I love it! Some nights they sleep with their sweet heads on the same pillow...makes me so glad to be their mama :)

  2. What nice pictures. Who took the nice picture of you and you husband?

  3. What nice pictures. Who took the nice picture of you and you husband?


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