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Monday, May 5, 2008

Internal Changes Manifesting Externally

A few weeks ago I threw myself down on my bed and just gave up. I cried out to God that I'd been trying to manage my home in my own strength and I just couldn't do it. I asked Him to help me. I cried out to Him that without Him I can do nothing. I repented of my attitude of self-sufficiency and asked Him to change me, to help me. And an amazing thing has been happening over the past few weeks. I've found that my home life is coming together. Some of the things that I had been to get control of are just falling into place. I've had to focus on my dependency on God a few times since that fateful day but it's been an overwhelmingly wonderful journey. I am feeling so great about it that I had to share. I following Candy's instructions at Keeping the Home on creating a Home Management Binder and have been tweaking and revamping my Home Management Control Journal, rewriting my schedules and just going with the flow as God has been helping me to order my days. It's been and continues to be an exciting journey as I yield myself to Him. Over the next few days I'm going to create a section on my sidebar called Home Life as I post my new schedules and about the different parts of my home life that are coming together. God is good. He told the Apostle Paul that His strength would be made perfect in the apostle's weakness and the same is happening to me. In my weakness God's strength is definitely being made perfect. There is no longer an internal struggle, only peace since I gave it up to Him. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Just thought I'd share.



  1. Hi Jenn, I think we all have a problem with self-sufficency at times. I am glad that your everything in your life is coming back together. I would like to ask that you pray for my father. We have been at the hospital in surgery all morning and have found out that he has cancer. I would really appreciate the prayers.

  2. I wanted to let you know that after reading on Blessed Motherhood that I am praying for you and your family.

  3. Hi Jenn,

    The most wonderful 'part' of that ongoing repentance is the 'turning "to" God' part. :)

    God bless you! :)

  4. Praise God indeed! It's it wonderful what God will do when we fully submit ourselves to His will. I am the worse at trying to manage everything in my own strength. YOu'd think after all my many failures I'd have learnt by now, but I still continue to try to do it in my own strength sometimes. I am (and always will be) a work in progress. I'm just thankful my Lord hasn't given up on me. Thank, thank you for sharing this post!

    btw if you get a chance this week and are able to participate in my mother's day tribute, I'd love to have you contribute.


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