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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wifey Wednesday - How Important Is Caring For Yourself

I'm a day late with this but here we go. This is my first time doing the Wifey Wednesday and I'm so excited to take part. Today's topic has to do with our personality types and how we care for ourselves.

Are you an introvert or an extravert?

I am more of an introvert. I love being around people but it does not recharge me as much as time alone does. My husband on the other hand thrives on interaction with people. I have learned a lot of people skills and about making friends from him. He has been known to coach me on what to say and when. Because of him I have grown to love being around people more than before but I am still an introvert. I love reading. I love walking in nature - thinking, praying, crying, smiling laughing.

It's been a while since I've actually taken the time to be alone in natural surroundings which recharges me immensely. I just can't seem to be able to swing it. Since my blog fast, I've put time on the calendar for me to go do something by myself. I'm not sure what, when and where but it's on the calendar.

Here's to much needed recharging. To take part and share your thoughts about this Wifey Wednesday's topic go to Sheila's blog - To Love Honor and Vacuum.

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