- Supper/game of pacheesi with hubby
- Shine sink
- Wipe down stove and counters
- Put kitchen towels & rag to soak and replace with clean ones
- Pour hot baking soda water down the drain(once/twice a week)
- Tidy house (20mins max)/Supervise boys tidying room and before bed routine
- Oral Care/Shower
- Time with God/Journaling
- Start tomorrow's To Do List
- Time with hubby
- Bedtime (if not a church night about 10pm)
Are you now curious about my evening routine? Well here goes:
530pm - Supper prep
600pm - Supper, kitchen cleanup
700pm - Straighten living room, dining room, entrance area
Put peas/beans to soak
Refill water bottles
Oral Care
Lay out clothes for next day
Create to do list for next day
730pm - Personal evening devotions
800pm - Computer time
900pm - Time with hubby/Bedtime
That's how my evening routine is set up. Of course I am human so I don't always do everything on there but I've been working on consistency and so far so good. Would you care to share yours? You can do so in the comments. I would love to see how others order their evenings.