- Rise & Shine & Pray
- Use toilet & swish it
- Oral care/Swipe face basin, mirror & toilet
- Get dressed
- Time with God/Journaling
- Check daily planner/complete to do list
- Scan homeschool paces into the computer/Drink water
7am - 9 or 930am
- Sweep front porch/Fill washer with water/Start laundry
- Empty drainer
- Wash yesterday's kitchen towels and rag
- Fill wash basins with water
- Breakfast prep
- Breakfast & Vitamins/Family devotions
A morning routine sets the tone for my day. It is the foundation upon which the rest of my day is built. If I start off wrong I usually spend the day spinning my wheels and at the end I'm lamenting where did my day go and thinking about how much catching up I need to do the next day. I have changed my morning routine several times as I try to find one that works well and flows well. This is what I've been doing for a while now and it seems(at least for this season) to be working out well.
400am - Rise & Shine, Use bathroom, Oral care, Personal morning devotions, drink water(at least 3 glasses)
Then after that I put the kettle on, take hubby and my dirty laundry out, fill the washer with water, while washer is filling I sweep front porch then load washer.
By this time the water in the kettle is boiling so I switch it off and put the tea to brew. Then I sweep the rest of the house except the boys bedroom(which they are responsible for by turns on their chore chart).
Swish & Swipe master bathroom & swipe boys bathroom
600am - Wake everyone else up for family devotions, finishing making herbal tea for us to drink during devotions
All during this time I am rebooting the laundry when necessary.
615am - Family devotions and then my hubby and I have our couple devotions using this book - Moments Together For Couples
Approximately 730am - Kitchen time(Empty drainer, Breakfast prep, breakfast), boys chores, boys bathtime after chores, final laundry reboot(hang to dry)
900am - Homeschool time
So that's a glimpse into how my morning flows. It's coming together nicely Praise the Lord! I keep on praying and asking the Lord to order my days and He's been doing just that. Thank you Lord!
Hopefully this glimpse into how my morning goes may help you or someone you know to catch yours or their own glimpse of how the Lord wants you or them to order your or their mornings. Pray continuously and listen as the Lord speaks in that still small voice.