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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Generous wife tip of the day

I am subscribed to an email list that sends a tip every day to jog our minds as to ways we can be generous to our husbands and bless the socks off them. Some tips include praying for specific things. Others include practical things. It's been a real help to me as I strive to be a blessing to my husband and be the helpmeet God designed me to be to him. You can subscribe using the link at the bottom of this post. Here is today's tip of the day:

Leave a negligee or a pair of sexy undies on the edge of the bed or draped over the bedroom chair. The idea is that you are tweaking his mind a bit. You are giving him a visual reminder that you are sexual and that you want him.

You have made my heart beat faster, my sister, my bride ... Song of Songs 4:9a NAS

Think generous! Lori <><
Copyright © 2001-2008 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


  1. Great tip.....even for this busy Mommy!! :)

    I am visiting you from the Blog Party!! Enjoyed the visit!!

  2. Hi again Jenn,

    Oh my! I will have to be sure to sign on with our hubby tip link.

    I read on the Pearl's No Greater Joy web-site that Mike Pearl had a heart attack. Did you know this already? I'm mentioning it in case you didn't, so you can be praying for them as well. He HAS to write that book (The Men's version he is working on) for men, we'll not have him dying on us. :)

    Anyway, on a lighter note, Yes Jenn, for sure, friends. :) I'll add your blog soon to my blog roll. Thanks so much!!! :)

  3. Hello 'yet again' Jenn,

    One of the books you have listed, "From Grandma With Love." Who is the author? The title intrigues me. :) Thanks!

  4. Thanks for dropping by the blog!! Would love to link you so we can keep in touch! Enjoy rest of the party!

  5. Thanks for posting this link, Jennifer! I needed to be reminded to encourage my honey. I've been a real grump lately!!!


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