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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Generous wife tip

Okay ladies. This is a two in one. Do something to bless your husband today.

It's fairly typical that the wife does most of the decorating around the house. It's that way at our house, but I have taken the time to listen to what my husband likes and dislikes so that he feels that it is his home too. He likes comfy furniture, candles and more "masculine" colors (no pink for him). ;)
I encourage y'all to take your husband's like and dislikes into consideration as well. Ask a few questions and watch where your husband tends to gravitate (at home and in other places). It's also fairly common for people to touch what they like. All these things can help you get some input from your husband and make a home that is a haven for the both of you.

It's nice to return home each day to something intensely personal. Stanley Barrows

Number 2 tip

Go through your undies and get rid of anything that is unflattering, that doesn't fit right or that is old and seen better days (if you need to, buy a few pretty new things). Then each morning give your husband a quick peek so that he has a nice mental image to tease him throughout his day.

... let me see your form ... Song of Songs 2:14 NAS

Think generous! Lori <><

Copyright © 2001-2008 Lori J. Byerly
All Rights Reserved


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