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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The past few days

We had a the son of a friend come to spend the weekend with us. We picked him up on Thursday on the way back from Screw's Spa.

On Friday the Ladies Ministry had a fundraising barbecue which I left early because I was feeling a bit weak. Saturday I rested quite a bit in addition to making a significant dent in my dirty dish mountain. I didn't go the concert in the evening because I felt that I had been going too much over the past weeks and then I had to get up early on Sunday morning because departure time for the joint service in Kingshill was an hour earlier than the usual church time.

The Sunday morning service was wonderful. The three sister churches - Kingshill Baptist, Laudat Baptist, and our church Greater Cornerstone Baptist came together for a joint service at the Kingshill Baptist Church. Another one is planned for June this time I think it is going to be held in Laudat. The Lord moved me during different times in the service to do some warfare on behalf of the saints at the service. No one knew what I was doing unless they knew me very well and I am glad because I just want to be obedient to the Lord without drawing attention away from Him and to me. If He leads me to do something to be seen fine but he didn't. At one point I felt something in the spirit realm broke. The victory had been won. My hubby preached a tremendous message about taking our authority according to the word of God and standing against the attacks of the evil one. Two persons gave their lives to God praise God and quite a few believers came up for special prayer. Instead of doing the usual laying on of hands and anointing my hubby made them put into practice what he just spoke about. There was a time of confession and submitting to God and then speaking to their situation with faith. It was a tremendous service. After that wonderful joint service at the Kingshill Baptist Church my hubby and I took our family to have a picnic in the Botanical Gardens. His mom was with us and also Micah the boy who was spending the weekend. When we went to drop my mother in law home we decided to spend the afternoon which turned into the night and then the next day - Monday.

I took a time out yesterday. Instead of going home I decided to stay at my in laws. We all did. My hubby slept alot. The boys enjoyed playing with their cousin Steve Jr. I spent time reading a couple of books, the Bible, journaling, praying, resting and sleeping, watching TV. It was a real refreshing time for me. God showed me some things in myself that needed fixing up and I repented before Him, gave myself more to Him and just enjoyed my Savior's presence.

I'm back home today getting right in the swing of things. I already made a trip to my in laws to do some laundry. Picked up the dry ones downstairs and hung up what I washed today and gave the boys breakfast. My hubby and I are both fasting today. I am following the Lord's instructions to set aside a day each week to fast for the salvation of my siblings and my dad. He told me to do this for a while now but I kept trying to find the right day and not succeeding so I just chose a day without overthinking it. Please help me pray for my siblings and dad. I have been feeling very strongly since the beginning of the year that this is the year for them to be saved and enter into a relationship with Jesus. My hubby is fasting for his own reasons.

I decided to start attending the early morning prayer meeting held at 5 am every other Wednesday. This Wednesday is going to be my first. I believe that the Lord is calling me to a higher level of intimacy with Him. A few weeks ago while singing the song at church I'm desperate for you He spoke to my heart and said that I was not really desperate for Him because of X Y Z. Since then I have sought His face more, spent more time in His word and just feel Him calling me closer and closer. I love being a child of God born of the Spirit. The process of changing sometimes does not feel good but the knowledge that I am changing fills me with joy and the person I become after the process is worth the process. I am becoming more like Him.

Anyway that 's all for now ladies. I'm going to get ready for our homeschool time now. I may pop in later and stop by a few of your blogs to say hi.

Have a blessed day.

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