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Tuesday, March 25, 2008


My sister in law and her family came over yesterday evening. It was fun. She made bakes. For thos of you not from the Caribbean bakes is dough that is formed small, flat and round and fried in oil. It is sometimes stuffed with various things like sandwich spreads made with corned beef or tuna, it it sometimes stuffed with codfish. It is treated just like bread. We eat it plain or with something in it, cheese, tomato, lettuce. It is sort of doughnut like without the sweet taste and the hole in the middle. My hubby says it reminds him of the beignets in New Orleans minus the sweetness. Anyway we had bakes and tuna spread for breakfast. Here is a picture of it. Yummy indeed. Unfortunately it was made with white flour. I'm thinking of asking her to experiment with wholewheat flour just for us. I hope she can.


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