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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Exciting Thursday

Thursday turned out to be a laundry marathon day for me. My hubby and his bro were not able to get the machine up and running. It needs some gas welding it seems so I had to go to my inlaws to do laundry. The boys always enjoy that time. Their cousin Steve Jr. had no school that day so they were extremely happy. This was also the day that my hubby and his dad set aside to work on the kitchen of my inlaws house downstairs. They cleared out the back and in the clearing out the boys discovered a riding toy. Well they had fun no end with that toy.

There is also a little boy named Mondel who lives next door to their grandparents that they play with as well. This is all four of them when Mondel came home from school:

Later that evening my hubby and his dad came back from running some errands with one of the huge pumpkins from my father in law's garden. This baby weighed in at 35lbs.

Boys will be boys. Jeremiah climbing into the back of our vehicle while we were loading the laundry on to go home.

My hubby is the ultimate surprise giver. While I was picking up the dried clothes he said to me I have a surprise for you and handed me one of my favorite snacks a coconut bun from Reuben's Bakery in town. He didn't give me a clue as to where he and his dad went but when we got home it all came together. He told the boys to wait in the car and then he called me into the boys bedroom. There on the top of their bunk bed stood something covered in a red blanket, when I unveiled it I was shocked, it was a brand new bicycle.

We called the boys in and my brother in law Ivon created a whole scenario pretending the boys were not behaving and sent them to bed. Well, when they climbed up they were duly surprised to say the least.

So I'm here thinking that this was the real surprise he had for me. Only to be called into the kitchen by my hubby. As I stepped in I caught sight of these:

I couldn't believe it. I screamed, turned around, praised God,

cried, this is me crying

hit my hubby, just a whole range of emotions. I couldn't believe it!

The ladies from our church in St.Thomas got together and sent us a ton of groceries and stuff. There was this giant basket gift with jewelry, scarves, egg shaped chocolates, hershey's kisses, cologne and deodorant for my hubby, bath towels, washcloths, perfume, scented candles and I don't remember what else:

There were a couple bags with clothes, shoes and belts for the boys:

There were 3 hair pieces for me:

Tons and tons of foodstuff:

It was just amazing. The goodness of God is amazing. When I say to folks do what the Lord tells you and He will provide it is no joke. I choose to stay home, homeschool the boys, my husband is in fulltime ministry, we have no "known" source of income all because we believe that this is what the Lord would have us to do. And since we've been back home He has never failed to provide for us. Our rent is paid, our electricity, water, home phone, cell phones, internet, food, just about all we need, books to read, gas for the car, everything Our Heavenly Father provides. Matthew 6:33 is being played out in our lives on a daily basis -
Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all its righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Praise God from whom all blessing flow. Rejoice with me sisters, God has done a wonderful thing.

The boys had riding lessons from grandpa right away.

It was indeed Christmas in April for the Valerie family on Thursday.

Just wanted to share my good news with my friends. Have a wonderful weekend. And I am feeling much better Praise God.



  1. Oh How faithful is the Lord to his promises. I know what it's like to be blessed especially during the early years of our marriage as we struggled and had little ones to provide for, throughout the years I have seen God's goodness and hands of provision come to pass. Being part of The Salvation Army I now get to be on the other side and help others. God Is Good!!!! Aloha Lorie

  2. Oh, praise God Jenn!!! I'm so happy for you all.

  3. What a day! From the amazing pumpkin (what will you do with it) to all the gifts. You are blessed, not only to have those wonders, but also because you understand how great all those things are. The joy on your husband's and sons' faces are also a great blessing.

  4. What a wonderful testament to the faithfulness of God!

  5. WHAT A BLESSING!! (yes, I'm still around :o). Praise the Lord for His provision for your family; what an encouragement that you are doing what He has for you!
    p.s. no, I was not born in Haiti, in the US...1st generation American born.

  6. Praise the Lord, Sister! My eyes are misting up as I read this wonderful testament to the Lord's faithfulness! He knows our needs -- even more, though, He knows the deepest desires of our heart and He knows what will give us the greatest ultimate joy.

    Praying a home full of joy today, my friend!!!

  7. Thanks Rebecca. God is indeed so good.


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