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Friday, April 11, 2008

I am a blogging addict so they say

I took a fun quiz at Just Say Hi that tells you how addicted you are to blogging. Can you believe that after I took the quiz and scored 62% my "wonderful" brother in law, Ivon "kindly" suggested that I take it again with his "help" to rectify my "convenient amnesia on certain questions". At least that's how he put it. My new score is 81%. So I am officially an 81% blogging addict. Why don't you take the quiz and help me feel better about myself (LOL). Post your score in the comments section to let me know how you did. Needless to say right now I feel a bit of conviction about one of the questions. I need to rectify that fast. Forgive me Lord for blowing off major tasks and blogging instead. It is amazing what the Lord will use to bring you back on track. Thank God for his Holy Spirit. Bye for now.

81%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenn,

    I just took the quiz! I'm 41% addicted. Does that mean I failed the test??? :)


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