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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Daily Schedule(updated July 2010)

This is my daily schedule as of July 2010. I've left the old one below for reference.

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
530am - 700am
  • Rise & Shine & Pray
  • Use toilet & swish it
  • Oral care/Swipe face basin, mirror & toilet
  • Get dressed
  • Time with God/Journaling
  • Check daily planner/complete to do list
  • Scan homeschool paces into the computer/Drink water
700am - 900am
  • Sweep front porch/Fill washer with water/Start laundry
  • Empty drainer
  • Wash yesterday's kitchen towels and rag
  • Fill wash basins with water
  • Breakfast prep
  • Breakfast & Vitamins/Family devotions
900am - 100pm
  • Homeschool
  • Housework
  • Lunch prep
100pm - 400pm
  • Lunch
  • Computer time(me)
  • Boys Quiet Reading Time
  • Boys Nap/Rest time
400pm - 530pm
  • Nap time(me)
  • Boys computer time
  • Supper prep
600pm - 1000pm
  • Supper/Game of Pacheesi with hubby
  • Shine sink
  • Wipe down stove and counters
  • Put kitchen towels & rag to soak and replace with clean ones
  • Pour hot baking soda water down the drain(once/twice a week)
 (On Tuesdays - this section below is done at a different time due to prayer meeting at church)
  • Tidy house (20mins max)/Supervise boys tidying room and before bed routine
  • Oral Care/Shower
  • Time with God/Journaling
  • Start tomorrow's To Do List
  • Time with hubby
  • Bedtime (if not a church night about 10pm)

Old schedule:
This is what works best for me now on weekdays.
400am - Morning Routine (see details in the left sidebar under Home Life or by clicking the words)

900am - Homeschool time

12noon - Older still doing school, younger is finished, lunch prep & computer time for me

1pm - Lunch time

2pm - Reading and computer time for boys(Alternating 1/2hr each, while one is reading the other is on the computer doing Jumpstart or something similar)

3pm - Nap/rest time for boys and myself

4pm - Snack time/Computer time, get ready for afternoon outing

430pm - Afternoon outing(a walk or time on the playing field)

530pm - Supper prep/computer time

600pm - Supper/kitchen cleanup

700pm - Evening routine for everyone

730pm - Personal devotions for everyone

800pm - Boys bedtime/Computer time

900pm - Bedtime

Those are all approximate times but generally that's the time of day that they happen give or take 10-15mins. Scroll down and you will see what my previous schedules looked like. I keep the old ones in this post as a record for me and also just maybe one of the previous ones may help someone in their journey to create a schedule that works for them.

My schedule has changed again. This is what works best for me now on weekdays.
400am - Morning Routine (see details in the left sidebar under Home Life or by clicking the words)

900am - Homeschool time

12noon - Older still doing school, younger is finished, lunch prep & computer time for me

2pm - Lunch time

3pm - Nap time for me, rest time for boys

4pm - Computer time again

530pm - Supper prep, supper

730pm - Boys bedtime, my evening routine(see details in the left sidebar under Home Life or by clicking the words

1000pm - Bedtime

This is what worked for me from late last year until recently(June 2009):
Rise and shine
Use toilet, swish & swipe toilet
Oral care, swipe face basin
Drink water
Get dressed
Swipe boys toilet
Take dirty clothes to laundry area, start washer
Spiritual disciplines

730am or thereabouts
Start breakfast prep
Cleanup kitchen
Check email

930am or thereabouts
Homeschool in 1/2 hour increments with 10 min breaks

1230pm or thereabouts
Homeschool done
Finish or start lunch prep
Check email

2pm to 4pm
Computer time

Rest time for everyone

6pm or thereabouts
Supper prep
Before bed routine
Check email
Time with hubby

10pm or thereabouts

You notice all the thereabouts right? Well I basically run my day these day by routine instead of strict time schedule. So that way I eliminate the stress of being behind "schedule".

This was my new daily schedule for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday.

Rise & Shine
Use toilet, oral care
Alone time with God, Bible reading & journaling
Time on the computer

Home blessing(10 minutes in every room)
Personal care & get dressed
Short nap
Breakfast prep

Family devotions
Clean up chores
Longer nap

Homeschool(1/2 hour increments with 10min breaks between)

Final lunch prep
Oral care

Nap/Rest time for everyone
Computer time

Supervise boys bathtime
Supper prep

Boys bedtime
Quick house pick up
Time with hubby or computer time

1000pm or later

NOTE: Wednesday evening we attend midweek service at church so the evening time frame is different.
Thursday is laundry day so the schedule changes after the time in God's word, prayer & journaling.
Saturdays there is no school(we have baking every other Saturday and family fun day on the alternate Saturdays) and there is prep for Sunday service(i.e. bags packed)

This was my old schedule:
Section 1 (begins between 530am and 6am)

Rise & Shine & Pray
Drink water, check cleaning schedule & create To Do List(5 mins)
Use, swish & swipe toilet in master bathroom(5 mins)
Oral care & swipe face basin of master bathroom(5 mins)
Bathe & swipe shower walls of master bathroom(10 mins)
Get dressed(10 mins)
Swish & swipe toilet of bathroom #2(2 mins)
Swipe shower walls of bathroom #2 (5 mins)
Sweep floor of bathroom #2(1 min)
Empty drainer & wash dishes/kitchen cleanup (15 mins)
Time in God's word, prayer & journaling
Breakfast prep
Boys wake up & do their morning routine

Section 2
Computer time
Homeschool(3 hrs)
Lunch prep

Section 3
Lunch(around 1pm)
Computer time
Prayer & reading(1 hr)
Nap(1 hr)
Supper prep
Boys bath

Section 4
Supper(around 6:30pm)
Boys bedtime(between 7:30pm and 8pm)
Tidy house(5 mins)
Lay out boys clothes for next day(when neccessary)(2 mins)
Fill water bottle and place in master bathroom(30 secs)
Oral care(3 mins)
Facial care(3 mins)
Lay out my clothes for next day(2 mins)
Reading, prayer & journaling
Games/Time with hubby


Section 1 (begins between 4:00am and 4:30am)
Rise & Shine & Pray
Drink water & create To Do List(5 mins)
Oral care (3 mins)
Get dressed(5 mins)
Wash dishes/kitchen cleanup (15 mins)
Lunch prep
Snack prep
Back to bed(around 6:30am)

Section 2
Rise & Shine (around 8am)
Bathe & get dressed
Wake boys up
Boys get ready
Breakfast(usually simple - boxed cereal with milk)
Leave for church service (around 9:40am)

Section 3
Get ready and leave for evening service(if there's any)
Boys bedtime
Tidy house(5 mins)
Lay out boys clothes for next day(when neccessary)(2 mins)
Fill water bottle and place in master bathroom(30 secs)
Oral care(3 mins)
Facial care(3 mins)
Lay out my clothes for next day(2 mins)
Reading, prayer & journaling
Games/Time with hubby

NOTE: Wednesday evening we attend midweek service at church so the time frame is different.
Thursday is laundry day so the schedule changes after the time in God's word, prayer & journaling.
Saturdays there is no school and there is prep for Sunday service(i.e. bags packed)

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