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Friday, February 20, 2009

Surprise from hubby!

My hubby loves to surprise me! It can be anything from jumping out behind doors (and telling me that I frightened myself - LOL!) to a laptop. Well the Friday preceding his birthday(his birthday was January 26) he came to me while I was doing laundry early in the morning. He said that he and the boys were talking and they want to go to town with him. Now, Friday is one of his intense ministry days where he goes on the Voice of Life radio to co-host an hour of interactive prayer with Evangelist Peter R. Augustine and then to the One Hour with Jesus lunch hour deliverance service with the evangelist as well. I was game for going to town because my home was pretty much caught up and I wanted to go with the flow, so I agreed. While he was in the station doing the program I stayed in the car with the boys while they did their school work (mobile homeschool - pretty cool!).

Okay now here it comes! After he was done he said that he had to go to the pizza place to meet someone. He did not mention who it was and I did not question him. When we got to the pizza place he parked the car and left. At this point I suspected something was up so I kept looking in the side mirror to see when he was coming back. Then something distracted my attention and I did not see him approach the car. When I looked up, I experienced something that I've never ever experienced in my life before. Normally when I'm excited about a great suprise I scream and get on pretty wild with excitement. Well this time I reacted like never before - I was SPEECHLESS! Yep, you read that right. Jennifer was speechless. I looked and looked and my expression just froze.

At this point you're probably wondering - what? what? Well it was our dear friend Crystal from Philadelphia who had come home for a short visit.
I was just so stunned to see her. The only thing that snapped me out of my 'speechlessness' was when she started saying she wants to come out of the rain and then I realized it had actually started to rain (LOL!).
At this point the boys were not even paying attention to us because all the excitement was too much for them. Here she is touching them and they're not paying attention. She's actually my 6yr old's guardian parent(many would say godmother).
The last time she came we had just got back home and so we had not seen her since we surprised her while driving from New Orleans to New Jersey and we stopped by her apartment in Philadelphia(praise God for mapquest). I kept hitting my hubby, staring at her, hitting my hubby, staring at her and just couldn't believe my eyes. It's not the first surprise that involved her because other than the one at her apartment there was the time I remember planning with her to surprise my hubby on his birthday a few year ago when we lived in New Orleans. I had her fly in and totally surprised him(although he denies that he was surprised).

We drove around, took her to the deliverance service with us and then picked up my sister Hannah and went to Screw's Spa.
Oh you know that had to be part of it! There is no way that anyone would come to visit us and not get to go to Screw's Spa! She was not able to bathe but we were able to show her what there was like for her next visit. After we dropped Hannah home we took her to meet Dolph's parents and granny, ate some freshly baked bread that his mom had just finished baking, left the boys with them and continued on our journey. By this time it was evening. We took her to our home and gave her the tour and something to drink. She's from the Marigot area which is quite a distance but we enjoyed taking her home, listening to music and chatting along the way. By the time we got there she wanted to take Dolph's laptop with her because of the songs in his library. We came to a compromise and burned about 5 cds for her of her favorites.

Her aunt with who she was staying for the visit gave us some lovely pumpkin soup with goat meat. OMG! That was an awesome soup! I don't remember what time we left but we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. My hubby(ever the comedian) kept us laughing through the night and had her crying from laughter.

And then the coup de gras - we took a leisurely romantic drive home and stopped in a deserted area for some hookey schnookey. That's all I'm saying. Imagine the rest for yourselves. It was a great Friday and I'm so glad I went with the flow. It is a beautiful life that I live and I praise God for it. There is always something good going on.

Here are a couple more pics of the crazy and wonderful day:

My sister Hannah next to one of the all natural sulphur pools at Screw's Spa:
Hubby praying for someone at the deliverance service:Crystal acting crazy:

It is so good to be sharing pics again. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed sharing.

1 comment:

  1. I am pleased to meet you. Looks like we have much in common. I am a pastor's wife and I homeschool as well (love that classroom on wheels...hehehe!). I see that you have your daily schedule so you must enjoy organization like I do! I have a daily and weekly (and monthly) schedule as well.


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