Today is a quiet day here in the Valerie household. Hubby went to help his parents build a foot bridge over the stream in their garden, the boys are playing and I am on the computer checking email, reading stuff and browsing some sites I've been meaning to go through. I've been quite busy lately with all the new habits to develop and the content on the up and running blogs to be done as well as set up the other blogs that are not yet up and running. I've been thinking about the suggestions from our ladies and percolating some ideas for our Ladies Ministry for when I meet with the Senior Pastor's wife/Ladies Ministry Co-ordinator to plan for the year's activities. I also have to meet with three other committee members to plan for a Sunday School Rally. Then there's the music video I am wanting to shoot with the youth. Also starting next month God willing, hubby and I are going to be teaching a new class started in the Sunday School Ministry for young adults, so there's preparation for that as well. Of course the usual homeschooling, homemaking and wifely things are to be kept up as well.
Just writing all this makes me want to go WHOA! It's all good! I'm living the life of my dreams being involved in all this. As time goes on if anything interferes with my relationship with God, and my family I will stop doing it. I want priorities to remain in order. Speaking of which, let me get up off this computer and clear this entrance table that has some major hotspots brewing on it.
Have a wonderful weekend y'all. I'm looking forward to going to Salisbury to bake this afternoon.