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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Boys Morning Routine

As many of you my regular reader know my boys are 5 & 6yrs old. They are a joy to live with. I am adding their morning routine to the sidebar under HOME LIFE and that's the reason for this post today.


600am - Rise and shine

Change out of pajamas

Brush teeth

Drink water

615am - Family devotions



800am - Breakfast

Free time

900am - Homeschool time

Pretty short but it's not meant to be stressful for them. It is meant to be simple so that they learn that routines don't have to involve long detailed lists that make them tired just reading this list. They pretty much do this every day with very little prompting. It also helps that lately my hubby and I have instituted a reward system which I will share more about in a later post.

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