This is the first stop and welcome to all who are taking part in this Blog Scavenger Hunt. I've been married for about 7 1/2 years and my journey in this area has been an interesting one. I started off all excited and had no problems doing it anytime, anyhow and wherever. Then we had our first son by c-section and exactly a year to the day(they have the same birthday), had our second son. Needless to say my desire waned and I found myself saying no more than yes for various reasons. I'm blessed with a wonderful husband who was very patient and after much praying and crying to God to help me to minister to my husband in the way he needs I found myself saying yes more often. Many times even when I did not feel remotely interested, I made the decision to quit saying no so much. Well the journey is not over yet and a few months ago I had a sexual awakening of sorts where I was always in the mood and was willing to do it anytime, anyhow and anywhere. Yes I am a pastor's wife but I am also human and God is still working on me. The intense part of my awakening lasted a while and now I am less intense but I hardly say no anymore.
Now you may be wondering when will she get on with it. I want my secret word so that I can move on. Hold on, hold on you'll get it. But before I give it let me share with you some more great news. No not about me and my awakening but about you and what you are going to get.
Instructions first:
Go to the five blogs on this particular tour, and collect all five words. Then go here:
http://sheilawraygregoire. com/blogscavengerhuntentry p369.php
and enter the message and your email. One winner will be drawn and announced at her Twitter party from 9-10 p.m. EST (hashtag #hidhaht). She’ll also notify the winner by email.
You'll win a free audio download of her 45 minute talk on the subject, aptly titled Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight! It's hilarious, real, and leaves nothing out! And she'll also mail the winner a copy of her book Reality Check, a collection of 85 of her favorite syndicated columns!
In addition, when you go to Sheila's blog and purchase her book today you are going to get a bunch of free gifts. For more details on the free gifts click HERE. I've purchased the book and gotten my free gifts already so what are you waiting for? Oh yeah... the secret word right? My secret word is "HE".
The next stop on your Blog Scavenger Hunt is Your Impact Matters.
Happy Hunting! Enjoy the party!

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